automated video tracking of ant colonies
We have developed a system that allows measuring automatically the behavior of ants within colonies.
The device functions via multiple units comprising nests and foraging areas where QR code-marked ants move freely. Each unit has a set of LED lights on top that simulates the day/night alternation. Infrared LEDS allow recording videos in the dark. On top of each unit, infrared light sensitive cameras take videos of the ants. The system tracks ant in real time, with the position of ants detected via computer vision and their identities encoded via QR codes. Using this info, it is possible to reconstruct the behavior of the whole colony.

A 3D model of our video tracking modules.
An overview of our LED board, with white diodes in the outer square, few UV LED in the middle, and infrared LEDs in the inner square. The hole in the center allows the camera to take images. The blue tool on the side is a temperature sensor connected to a mini fan, preventing the temperature of our experimental modules from rising too high.
Our LED board connects to an Arduino, which allows switching between different types of lights. Here you cannot see infrared lights because the camera used to take the video has a filter blocking infrared light.
Here a video taken with an infrared sensitive camera. Infrared LEDs are on all the time, whereas UV and white light LEDs are set to a blinking mode

The system tracks ants based on their shapes and identifies them via mini qr codes.
Left is in the dark, under infrared light. Right is under white and UV light.